24 November، 2021

Number of Employees of the College of Medicine Participate in the Etiquette Course Held by the Presidency of University

In the presence of the Scientific Vice-President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Munir S, Taha, the Presidency of the University held a course on the art of etiquette and the reception of distinguished guests for the period 7th -9th November 2021. Dozens of university employees attended the course. On the side of the College of Medicine, a number of female employees participated in it, including senior programmer Yathrib A. Majid, senior researchers Sawsan Gh. Mohieldin, senior director Anne N. Hamid, and employee Samar Gh. Abdullah (ministerial contract).

The course included a presentation of the most important methods of dealing with guests and visitors of various levels, the art of etiquette, and the official honor ceremonies followed.

It also dealt with receiving senior delegations among countries or among institutions and universities, and the protocol for reception and hospitality each separately. As well as how to act in exceptional and critical cases during diplomatic and official visits.

