10 January، 2022

The College of Medicine Gains the First Place in the University’s Table Tennis Championship (Student Category), and the Deanship Congratulates

The College of Medicine gained the University’s Table Tennis Championship (student category) on Thursday, 30th December 2021. The student Muhammad S. Yahya (third grade) managed to win the final match over his competitor from the College of Engineering by three matches to one. Thus, the College of Medicine was culminated a well-deserved championship title.

After the above match, the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed, extend his congratulations, thanks and appreciation to the winner student and the training and technical staff (they are responsible for the Student Activities Division, Assistant Prof Dr Muhammad Kh. Saleh, and the Head of the Sports Activity Unit, Assistant Lecturer Karam T. Mowaffaq) who made a great effort throughout the tournament. The Deanship also congratulates the teaching and professional staff and all students. He praises (at the same time) every effort or scientific, cultural, extracurricular or other activity that contributes to the permanence of making the name and affair of our college in the first place at various levels, expressing also his happiness of this precious victory.

