16 February، 2022

The College of Medicine Gifts the College of Veterinary Medicine an Electronic Correction Device with Its Accessories

Under the direction of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed, the college gifted the College of Veterinary Medicine, an OMR electronic correction device with its accessories (laptop and printer) on Sunday 16th January 2022. In order to facilitate the matter and simplify the mechanism of work, the college sent the official of the computer maintenance unit, the Assistant Chief Engineer, Hussein N. Saleh, and the programmer Bashar A. Mansour, a member of the exam committee to run the program and conducting a simulation. On the other hand, the Examination Committee and the Deanship of the College of Veterinary Medicine valued this kind help of the College of Medicine which falls within the frameworks of scientific and technical cooperation between the colleges of the university. The electronic correction is a software system that corrects hundreds of exam papers within one minute, then extracts and arranges the results according to the alphabetical letters of the names of the examinees, or according to the higher or lower grades or other criteria or options, and this is the method currently used in the Mosul College of Medicine for the past few years.

