27 September، 2022

practice feild

Under the patronage of the President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Qusay K. Al-Ahmadi.The University of Mosul resumes its field practice in the field today, Sunday, from 25th to 29th September 2022.The concerned colleges were organized to provide services through their various specializations to the people of Bashiqa district and its suburbs in First Primary School for Boys, in the presence of the Vice- President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Prof Dr Munir S. Taha and the deans of the participating colleges and their cadres of teaching staff, students, the Director of Bashiqa district, the legist Thanoun Y. Youssef, the Director of Education for the District, Dr Riad E. Hamuka, and the Director of School’s Educational , Mowaffaq N. Darwish, in cooperation with the directors of the relevant departments in the district.At nine in the morning, buses took off for the colleges of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, nursing, science, environmental sciences and technologies, fine arts, physical education, sports sciences, agriculture and forestry to provide its various services. The College of Medicine had the most prominent presence, as its services included, which came under the supervision of the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednathir Saeed and the Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Zubeer examination of patients by colleagues specialists from clinical departments and providing the treatment services. The developmental delays were also detected in some children of the district. Support is also provided by the main departments, including conducting some medical examinations, such as haemoglobin and urine tests, blood pressure measurements. Other awareness and guidance lectures and various consultations on public health and family health issues were also provided. The Co-ordinator of the Department of Surgery, the Lecturer Dr Muhannad Al-Nuaimi, had a great role in coordinating between the College of Medicine and the University.Moreover, a group of outstanding medical students also participated in organizing the patients queue, following up on the teaching staff in their work, and guiding patients about the importance of regular treatment in case of chronic diseases.The field practice was attended by a crowd of citizens from the district and its suburbs, appreciating those services and the great role of the university in providing them, and they thanked the good initiative of the College of Medicine and the cooperation of its teaching staff in providing the health service to the Iraqi citizen

