15 June، 2023

A Training Course for Guiders of Clinical Psychology Courses

A Training Course for Guiders of Clinical Psychology Courses

The course held by the College of Medicine / University of Mosul in cooperation with the Francophone University Agency, entitled (Online tutoring) clinical psychology course guides, was concluded on Thursday, June 8, 2023,. The course was organized in the main hall of the French-Iraqi Cultural Institute in Mosul, in cooperation with the Electronic Calculator Center at the Presidency of the University of Mosul, for a period of five days, from (4-8) June 2023, with 6 training hours per day.

The course was attended by Dr Aida Al-Soufi / Francophone University Agency and Prof Dr Rayan Gh. Thanoun / University of Mosul.

The trainees included professors of specialization doctors from the College of Medicine at the University of Mosul and the University of Nineveh.

This course will pave the way for the start of the implementation of the bilateral cooperation program in clinical psychology courses between the Universities of Mosul and Nineveh on the one hand, and the French University of Lorraine on the other hand, with the support of the Department of Cooperation and Cultural Activity at the French Embassy in Baghdad.

