24 March، 2022

A Virtual Seminar for the College of Medicine Discussing Ideas Related to Medical Physics at University of Dortmund

The seminar, presented by the Assistant Lecturer of Medical Physiology Raghda T. Abdullatif, discussed the ideas related to medical physics at the German University of Dortmund on the evening of Sunday, 20th March 2022. In this seminar, the members of the college were informed of the most important developments in this field.

The seminar recommended is trying to implement some of the ideas put forward especially within the available possibilities such as the CO2 sensor that can be placed in the classrooms to monitor the levels of carbon dioxide saturation in the atmosphere in order to create a healthy and clean study environment for students.

The event was held virtually by the Division of Missions and Cultural Relations under the auspices of Dean, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed, and in the presence of the Scientific Vice-Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim as well as dozens of teaching staff of the college.

