8 February، 2022

An Assistant Lecturer from the Department of Family and Community Medicine Participates in Presenting the First Session of the Massive Open Online Courses

The E-Learning Division of University of Mosul held the first course of MOOC for the period 25-28 January 2022. About thirty professors from various Nineveh universities participated in the course. A number of university academics attended, including the Assistant Lecturer Firas M. Saeed, from the Department of Family and Community Medicine, as he was one of those who obtained a training certificate in e-learning.

The course included an introduction to MOOC, its basic rules, methods and techniques to help develop its stages and its most important platforms. The design of educational systems as the ADDIE framework was also dealt with. Practical applications were then made in organizing the MOOC project using Trello, the Learning Design tool, and other vocabulary and titles. The course ended with a virtual test for all participants.

The course was held under the patronage of the President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Qusay K. Al-Ahmadi and in the presence of the Scientific Vice-President, Prof Dr Munir S. Taha, and the Director of the Francophone Corner Unit (the coordinating body).

