3 January، 2022

Annals of the College of Medicine Mosul Launches Electronically the Second Issue, Volume 43 for the Academic year 2021

The Annals of the College of Medicine Mosul electronically launched its second issue, volume 43 for the academic year 2021 on 28th December 2021. The mentioned issue contained sixteen scientific papers. The issue will be released in paper form in the next few days.

The editor-in-chief of the annals is headed by the Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Prof Dr Imad A. Thanoun, while the executive management is led by the Head of the Department of Medicine, Prof Dr Khalid N. Al-Kherro. The Deanship of the College congratulates the scientific, technical and administrative staff of the annals, wishing everyone continued success to serve our university and college if Allah willing.

To view the annals, Click Here.
