18 April، 2023



The College of Medicine, today, Wednesday, 15/3/2023, participated in the activities of the scout camp for the university’s scouts and guides, which was set up by the Student Activities Department at the University of Mosul on the land of Al-Hadba` Scout Camp located in the tourist forest area on the left coast of the city of Mosul, in the presence of Prof Dr Waheed Mahmoud Al-Ibrahimi, Administrative Vice- President and a number Among the members of the university council as well as the director of the student activities department and college students from the rangers and guides participating in the camp.

The participation of our college was represented by the scout group named (Rahat Al-Jalili), consisting of five roving students from our college, and they are:

Waseem Khalaf

Muhammad Bashar

Muhammad Hassan

Khaled Aziz

Zakaria Ismail

In addition to the participation of the leader of the group, represented by the Assistant lecturer, Karam T.Tawfiq Muwafaq, and the Director of the Student Activities Division in the college, Assistant Professor Dr Muhammad Kh. Salih

