1 July، 2022

Council meeting

Council of the College/Twentieth MeetingOn the twenty-seventh day of June 2022, the College of Medicine held its twentieth meeting.The Council was chaired by Prof Dr Basil Mohammednathir Saeed, the Dean of the College, and the council was attended by Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Al Zubair, Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs (Secretary of the Council), Vice- Dean for Administrative Affairs, Assistant Lecturer Dr Karam T. Tawfiq, heads of all departments of the college, and registrar of the college, the representative of the teaching staff and the director of the Quality Division in this college. Before starting its work, the council hosted the initial beneficiaries’ committee for accreditation. The committee members were attended by Dr Qusay Hajim, Nineveh Governor’s Advisor for Technical Affairs and the Director of the Student Affairs and Registration Department at the University of Mosul, Assistant Prof Dr Raqib Hammadi.

