4 December، 2019

Discussing a research of Iraqi Board student in ENT

The research of the Iraqi Board student in ENT surgery prepared by the student Ali A. Hasan al-Sayegh entitled “Laryngeal injuries and dyslexia after tracheal intubation” was examined at 10 am on Sunday, 17th November 2019 at the seminars hall of the College of Pharmacy and in the presence of the Vice- Dean for Administrative Affairs, Assist. Prof Dr Hazim Kh. al-Allaf and the Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs Assist. Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim Zubeer. The discussion committee consisted of assist. Prof Dr Basil M. Natheer Saeed (Chair), assist. Prof Dr Nafie M. Shehab (currently retired), Consultant Physician Dr Raghadan M. Dawood (Member) and assist. Prof Dr Haitham A. al-Nouri (Supervisor). After discussion, the decision was read which included the acceptance of the research after doing the committee’s observations. The discussion was attended by the Iraqi Board Official for ENT Surgery (Mosul Training Centre) Prof Dr Ali A. Mohammed, and some of the teaching staff. We congratulate the student and wishing him further progress.

