9 November، 2021

Discussion of a Doctoral Thesis in the College of Medicine on the Effects of Hypothyroidism on the Histological Structure of the Gonads of Female and Male Albino Rats

The College of Medicine discussed the doctoral thesis of the Department of Anatomy entitled “the effects of hypothyroidism on the histological structure of the gonads of female and male albino rats, and the role of selenium as an antioxidant in improving the functioning of these glands” which was presented by the student Iman Gh. Sheet on Tuesday, 2nd November 2021.

The study aimed to prove the effect of hypothyroidism on the level of hormones, histological composition and immunohistochemistry of the gonads and to prove the role of selenium in the work of the thyroid gland and gonads.

It found that hypothyroidism has a significant role in the low level of male and female hormones, with degenerative changes in the tissue structure of the gonads and that selenium has an improved role for these effects.

The discussion committee consisted of Prof Dr Iyad H. Al-Tikriti (chairman), Prof Dr Imad A. Thanoun (member), Prof Dr Shatha Th. Ahmed (member), Assistant Prof Dr Muhammad T. Taher (member), and Assistant Prof Dr Maha A. Al-Sammak (member), Assistant Prof Dr Maysoon M. Al-Qazzaz (member and supervisor), and Prof Dr Wahda M. Tayeb (member and co-supervisor).

Part of the discussion was attended by the President of University of Mosul Prof Dr Qusay K. Al-Ahmadi, and the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed.

It was also attended by the Scientific Vice-Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, some heads and teaching staff of various scientific departments and a number of postgraduate students.

After the discussion, the committee’s decision was read included accepting the thesis with some necessary amendments to it and awarding the student a doctorate degree.

