6 January، 2021

Master’s Thesis Discussing the Evaluation of Clinical and Laboratory Criteria for Patients with Myeloproliferative Tumors in Nineveh Governorate

Master’s thesis in the Department of Pathology discussed “the evaluation of clinical and laboratory criteria for patients with MPM in Nineveh Governorate” submitted by student Inam Gh. Ibrahim Mohamed on Wednesday, December 30th 2020. The thesis aimed to evaluate the importance of the JAK2 and BCR_ABL genetic study in diagnosing myeloproliferative tumors according to the World Health Organization 2016 and the British Committee for Standards as per the guidelines in hematology. It concluded the importance of using the JAK2 mutation as a routine examination in non-chronic myeloproliferative neoplasia [Non CML Myeloproliferative Neoplasia]. The British Committee for Standards of Hematology protocol was more common than the WHO 2016 protocol in diagnosing patients with erythrocytosis vera and essential thrombocythemia. The discussion committee consisted of Assistant Prof Dr Nadwa S. Al-Ezzo (Chair), Assistant Prof Sanaa M. Tayeb (Member), Assistant Prof Dr Nazar M. Taher (Member), Prof Dr Mona A. Kashmoula (Member and Supervisor), and Prof Dr Khaled N. Al-Kherro (Member). After the discussion, the committee’s decision was read included accepting the thesis with the necessary amendments, and granting the student a master’s degree.

