30 November، 2021

Master’s Thesis in the College of Medicine Showing the Toxic Effect of Ivermectin and the Healing Effect of Coenzyme Q10

A master’s thesis was discussed in the Department of Anatomy about “the effect of ivermectin on the tissues of both the liver and kidneys of rabbits and the improvement of the resulting changes using coenzyme Q10” on Sunday, 28th November 2021.

The study aimed to know the toxicological and healing effect of ivermectin and coenzyme Q10 respectively.

The results showed the toxic effect of Liver Mectin as well as the healing effect of Coenzyme Q10.

The discussion committee consisted of Assistant Prof Dr Ammar Gh. Al-Hayek (Chairman), Assistant Prof Dr Luma I. Al-Allaf (Member), Prof Dr Walid H. Qassim (Member), and Assistant Prof Dr Muhammad T. Taher (Member and Supervisor).

The discussion was attended by the rapporteur of the department, the Lecturer Dr Ali A. Daoud, the Director of the Graduate Studies Division, the Lecturer Dr Khalid W. Turki, and some of the teaching staff of various scientific departments and a number of postgraduate students.

After the discussion, the committee’s decision was read including accepting the thesis with doing the necessary modifications and awarding the student a master’s degree.

