4 February، 2022

The Central Accreditation Committee of the College of Medicine Holds Its Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Meetings Virtually

The meetings of the Central Accreditation Committee of the College of Medicine continue to hold four virtual meetings. The meetings discussed the plans of the sub-committees responsible for the items of the accreditation guide for medical colleges issued by the National Council for Accreditation of Medical Colleges in Iraq. The committee held its second meeting on Tuesday, 11th January 2022, to discuss plans for the mission and outcomes items and the student assessment items, where the heads of the two items committees gave an extensive presentation of the plans needed for the purpose of completing a self-assessment report for their items. On Thursday, 13th January 2022, the committee discussed in its third meeting the plans submitted by the Head of the Curriculum Items Committee and the Head of the Curriculum Development Items Committee for the purpose of completing their respective parts of the self-assessment report. The meetings continue, and a fourth meeting will be held on Sunday, 16th January 2022 to discuss the plans submitted by the Chairman of the Student Items Committee and the Head of the Staff Item Committee for the purpose of completing their respective parts of the self-assessment report. In this context, two other meetings were held on Sunday and Monday, 23rd -24th January 2022 to discuss the items of governance, management and modernization as the necessary plans were presented to complete them. It is worth noting that the Accreditation Committee had previously held (in late December 2021) a campaign of four workshops that included all faculty professors where it was clarified what is required to be done to obtain accreditation.

These meetings and workshops were held under the patronage of the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed, Chairman of the Central Committee, and in the presence of the Vice-Deans and members of the central committee and sub-committees for accreditation of the college. Efforts will proceed and continue for the purpose of completing the self-assessment report and submitting it on time in order to obtain national and international accreditation if Allah willing.

