30 December، 2021

The Deanship of the College of Medicine Meets with the Admitted Students for the Academic Year 2021-2022

  • Don’t be afraid of the English language

  • Paying attention to achieving a good annual average.

  • Adhere to good behavior and acceptable social custom

  • Focusing on seeking knowledge, science, and societal cohesion in all its categories

  • Following the official websites of the college

    On Monday, 27th December 2021, the Deanship of the College of Medicine, University of Mosul, held an extensive meeting with first-year students admitted for the academic year 2021-2022.

    At the beginning, the Dean welcomed the new students and congratulated them on their acceptance to the college, and wished them a successful start to the academic year. He stressed the keenness of the deanship and the teaching staff to follow the optimal method for giving scientific material. He cautioned to focus in the study without being afraid of the obstacle of the language of instruction (English), and gave general guidelines to facilitate this task.

    For his part, the Scientific Vice-Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, explained that the academic system adopted in the college is annual, and achieving a good achievement for the annual average is a reason for excellence, and completely avoiding postponing the semi-annual or final exams. Meanwhile, the Administrative Vice-Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Hazim Kh. Al-Allaf, indicated the necessity of attending lectures, maintaining public property, and the necessity of adhering to good behavior and acceptable social custom.

    After that, the Head of the Educational Guidance Unit (Head of the Department of Family and Community Medicine), Assistant Prof Dr Walid Gh. Al-Taee, explained the need to focus on seeking knowledge, science, and community cohesion in all its categories on the university campus, and having good qualities and staying away from everything that offends the reputation of the student and the college. The Director of the Registration Division, Lecturer Dr Ashraf A. Al-Samadi, also explained the mechanisms of regularity with groups and people and the subject of granting licenses and other matters related to students’ issues in general. The meeting concluded with some directives expressed by the Head of the Media and Public Relations Division, Senior Engineer Hasan Y. Abdullah, not to conduct any media activity on the campus of university without obtaining prior fundamental approvals, and to follow up on the official websites of the college.

