26 November، 2022

The Deanship of the College of Tourism Sciences thanks the Dean of the College of Medicine.

The College of Tourism Sciences, represented by its Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Muhammad N. Mahmoud, and its academic and non -academic staff, extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to Prof Dr Basil Mohammednathir Saeed, Dean of the College of Medicine for his efforts and his support in providing the college with a number of computers.They wish him continued success and appreciate his constructive cooperation.Click here…https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0rGeRQbNDfyQfdD864xSxAetTnKzZdJBybxGAxeu2tdHf2aUWtwLE8GMMtQk3A5Btl&id=100063949809563
