7 November، 2021

The Director of Media and Public Relations Attends a Course on Virtual Content and a Meeting of the Authorised Sites at the Presidency of University of Mosul

Under the patronage and presence of the President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Qusay K. Al-Ahmadi, and the Scientific Vice-President, Prof Dr Munir S. Taha, the Department of Media and Public Relations held a training course on digital visual content from 24th to 26th October 2021; the creative director Hassan Kalawi delivered his lecture in it. The same period also witnessed a meeting of the university’s website administrator, the Lecturer Dr Omar A. Al-Zaydi in which it was discussed how to manage the website in the best way. Both activities were attended by (representing the College of Medicine), the Director of the Media and Public Relations Department, Mr Hasan Y. Abdullah, Chief Engineers, along with the university’s department and media unit directors and the authorized of the websites.

The course included the basics of photography and videography and the creation of digital content for social networking sites. The meeting aimed at how to overcome the problems or obstacles that may encounter those authorized to manage the official website with finding the appropriate solutions to them. The meeting also focused on the interest of the quality of news and putting it on the air in its high professional in both Arabic and English.

