23 February، 2024

The fourth Face to face meeting of the clinical psychology training program

On Thursday, February 22, 2024, a face-to-face meeting was held to complete the fourth unit of the clinical psychology course program. The trainees gave five seminars on a variety of clinical psychology topics. After that, the students had an electronic, in-person test on Moodle platform, which evaluated their competency in the fourth unit.

This seven-unit program, which lasts the entire academic year, involves 32 trainees from the universities of Mosul and Nineveh and the directorates of health and education in Nineveh governorate. The French University of Lorraine, the University of Mosul, the University of Nineveh, and the Francophone University Agency (AUF) are working on it together. It aims to raise the competency levels of professionals undergoing training so they can better support those who have suffered psychological trauma.

The college’s dean, Professor Dr. Basil SAEED, vice deans for both scientific and administrative affairs, assistant professor Dr. Humam Ghanem Ibrahim, and Dr. Karam Turath Tawfiq attended the meeting and tests that were performed under the supervision of the course tutors from Mosul and Nineveh Universities.

