16 March، 2022

The Promotions Committee of the College of Medicine Attends a Scientific Workshop Held by the Central Promotions Committee of the Presidency of University of Mosul

The Central Scientific Promotions Committee of University of Mosul held a scientific workshop on procedures and instructions for scientific promotions and the mechanism for organizing promotion treatment on Monday 7th March 2022.

During its lectures, the workshop discussed the procedures followed in organizing the academic promotion. The clarification of its mechanisms and ministerial instructions were also highlighted. In conclusion, some questions and inquiries were subjected by the attendees, and they were answered directly by those concerned.

The workshop was attended by the Scientific Vice-President Prof Dr Munir S. Taha, and a group of members of the University Council. On the part of the College of Medicine, it was attended by the Chairman of the College Promotions Committee, Prof Dr Ali Abdel Muttalib, the Committee’s Rapporteur, Assistant Prof Dr Maysoon M. Al-Qazzaz, and all other members of the committee as well as the committee’s secretary.

