24 January، 2022

The Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division in the College of Medicine Holds Four Virtual Workshops on the Topics of Accreditation Requirements

The Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division in the College of Medicine held four workshops on the topics of accreditation requirements, in which the college’s accredited evaluators in the National Council for Accreditation of Medical Colleges attended in addition to the Official of the Medical Education Unit.

On Wednesday, 29th December 2021, Assistant Prof Dr Walid Gh. Al-Taee (Head of the Department of Family and Community Medicine) addressed the items of reliability (1-3). While the Assistant Lecturer Karam T. Tawfiq (from the Department of Pathology) presented the topic of demystifying dependence and the roadmap towards recognition on Thursday, 30th December 2021. While on Sunday January 2nd 2022, the Lecturer Dr Zaid Q. Al-Atraqchi (the rapporteur of the Physiology Department), presented the topic of dependency items (4-6), then the last workshop was held on Monday, 3rd January 2022 with the Assistant Prof Dr Rabie Y. Al-Dabouni (from the Department of Paediatrics) and reliability items (7-9).

The entire workshops aimed at explaining the requirements for reliability with a full explanation of how to obtain it. Noting that the target group is all members of the college. The workshops were interspersed with questions, discussions and interpositions by the attendees.

All the workshops were held virtually under the patronage and attendance of the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed. It was also attended by the Scientific and Administrative Vices-Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim and Assistant Prof Dr Hazim Kh. Al-Allaf as well as all heads, rapporteurs, teaching staff and officials of various scientific departments and divisions.

