16 March، 2022

The Scientific Departments of the College of Medicine Hold the Mid-Year Practical Exams for the Academic Year 2021-2022

Various scientific departments have started holding mid-year practical exams for the academic year 2021-2022.

For example, the Department of Anatomy held the histology exam for the second stage on Thursday and Saturday 3rd and 5th March 2022. The mentioned Saturday also witnessed the exam for medical biology (for the first grade). On Monday 7th March 2022, the Department of Pathology held a pathology exam (for the third grade). While the forensic medicine exam (for the fourth grade) was held on Monday and Wednesday 7th and 9th March 2022.

Part of the exams were attended by the Scientific and Administrative Vice-Deans, the Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, and the Assistant Lecturer Dr Karam T. Tawfiq, which was held under the supervision and presence of the heads, coordinators and general teaching staff of the concerned scientific departments. Wish our dear students good luck if God will.

