
Master’s Thesis Discussing the Application of Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization (VLV) Technique in the Evaluation of Ambiguous Cases in the Her2 / neu Inheritance of Breast cancer

A master's thesis of the Department of Pathology discussed the application of fluorescent in situ hybridization (VLV) technique in the evaluation of ambiguous cases in the Her2 / neu inheritance of breast cancer, submitted by [Read More]


A Master’s Thesis Discussing the Importance and Characteristics of the Third Differentiation Cluster in Diagnosing Celiac Disease

A master's thesis of the Department of Pathology discussed the importance and characteristics of the third differentiation cluster in diagnosing celiac disease in terms of the effectiveness of histological changes and their relationship to diagnostic [Read More]


Master’s Thesis Discusses Prevalence and Characterization of Hemoglobinopathies in Prenuptial Test

A master's thesis in the Department of Pathology discussed "the prevalence and characterization of hemoglobinopathies in prenuptial examination in Nineveh Governorate" presented by the student Basma A. Younis Mustafa on Sunday 27th December 2020. The [Read More]


Master’s Thesis Discusses the Relationship between Thyroid Hormones and Milk Hormone in Women with Impaired Fertility

Master's thesis in the Department of Physiology discussed "the relationship between thyroid hormones and milk hormone in women with impaired fertility" submitted by student Safa’ M. Omar on Tuesday, December 29th 2020. The thesis aimed [Read More]


Master’s Thesis Discussing the Evaluation of Clinical and Laboratory Criteria for Patients with Myeloproliferative Tumors in Nineveh Governorate

Master's thesis in the Department of Pathology discussed "the evaluation of clinical and laboratory criteria for patients with MPM in Nineveh Governorate" submitted by student Inam Gh. Ibrahim Mohamed on Wednesday, December 30th 2020. The [Read More]


The Scientific Vice-Dean within the Discussion Committee for a Master’s Thesis in the Faculty of Nursing at University of Mosul

The Master’s thesis presented by the student Taha Kh. Ali was discussed in the College of Nursing titled “Evaluation of school phobia among primary school students in Nineveh Governorate” on Monday December 14th, 2020. The [Read More]


A Professor from the Department of Pharmacology Chairs the Discussion Committee for a Master’s Thesis in the College of Pharmacy.

A discussion was held at the College of Pharmacy for the master student Shahad M. Khalilentitled "The potential effect of ariprazole on improving blood sugar control in patients taking atypical antipsychotics" on Thursday, November 19th [Read More]


A Master’s Thesis for the Anatomy Department Debates the Effect of Maternal Obesity on Placental Tissue and Oxidative Stress

In the presence of the Scientific Vice-President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Munir S. Taha, the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil M. Nathir Saeed, and the Administrative Vice- Dean of [Read More]


A Professor from the Department of Pediatrics Participates in the Master’s Thesis Discussion Committee in the College of Nursing

In the College of Nursing, a master’s thesis presented by the student Omar Kh. Khaled was discussed, entitled “The impact of the information booklet on nurses’ knowledge of hepatitis B and C among children in [Read More]


Head and Rapporteur of the Pediatrics Department within the Master Thesis Discussion Committee at the College of Nursing

The Master’s thesis presented by the student Qusay A. Atiyah, entitled “Risk factors for congenital cardiac malformations in children at the Children's Teaching Hospitals in Mosul” was discussed in the College of Nursing on Monday, [Read More]


A Professor from the Department of Pharmacology within the Discussion committee for a Master’s Thesis in the College of Pharmacy

a discussion of the master’s student , Hisham Ahmed al-Taleb, was held at the College of Pharmacy on Thursday, October 22th 2020,. The discussion committee was chaired by Prof Essam H. al-Dabbagh, with the membership [Read More]


Head of the Department of Family and Community Medicine within the Master Thesis Discussion Committee in the College of Nursing

A discussion was held on Tuesday, September 29th 2020 at the Faculty of Nursing, a master's student, Omar Hussein A. Al-Dabbagh, about his thesis entitled “Assessing the obstacles of pregnant women towards antenatal care in [Read More]


Head of the Physiology Department within the Master Thesis Discussion Committee at the College of Pharmacy, University of Mosul

A discussion was held at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Mosul on Tuesday, September 22th 2020. The discussion of the master’s student, Sadeel A. Shanshal, was chaired by Prof Dr Kawa F. [Read More]

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