19 August، 2023

The joint publication of a scientific book by a group of professors from our college in an Arab publishing house

Dar Al-Mu’taz for Publishing and Distribution in Jordan, Amman, has published a scientific book authored by a group of professors from the College of Political Science at the University of Mosul. The authors include the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Zahir, as well as Dr. Imad Khalil Ibrahim, Dr. Adnan Khalaf Hameed, Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Tariq Yassin, Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Moysar Fathi, Assistant Professor Dr. Marwan Salim Ali, Assistant Professor Mohammed Salih Shutaib, Mr. Jasim Mohammed Taha, Mr. Omar Hashim Thanoon, Ms. Maha Ahmed Al-Moula, Mr. Amar Ahmed Rashid, Mr. Fanar Imad Khalil, Mr. Ahmed Faisal Ali, and Ms. Basma Mohammed Nazir.

The book is titled “Iraq: National and International Challenges and Ways to Confront Them – Future Perspectives.” The significance of the book lies in shedding light on the nature of foreseeable and unforeseeable strategic challenges that threaten Iraq, its national security, hinder progress, and require considerable effort and work to address them. The aim is to draw the attention of politicians, decision-makers, citizens, academics, and university students in Iraq to be cautious, work to adopt a sound strategic planning to confront these challenges, especially since the Iraqi security system, built according to immediate requirements without a comprehensive strategic vision, is currently facing significant challenges in terms of preparation, leadership, armament, and equipment. This applies to other sectors of our country as well. The researchers attempted to anticipate national and international challenges facing Iraq, analyze them to confront them, formulate a comprehensive national strategy by analyzing both the internal and external environments, identify strengths and weaknesses within Iraq’s internal environment, and analyze opportunities and threats in the regional and international surroundings. This enables our country to face and deal with challenges using rational planning methods, make sound decisions, benefit from strengths and opportunities, address internal weaknesses and external threats. Based on this, the book is divided into four main chapters: Political Axis, Security Axis, Social-Economic Axis, and Legal Axis.

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