13 May، 2024

The College of Political Science participation in the scientific conference titled “Educational Institutions and Their Efforts in Confronting Extremism and Ideological Terrorism”

Assistant Professor Hussein Younis Abdullah from the Branch of Public Policy at our college participated in the proceedings of the scientific conference titled “Educational Institutions and Their Efforts in Confronting Extremism and Ideological Terrorism.” The conference, held under the slogan “With Knowledge and Science, We Confront Extremism and Defeat Terrorism,” was organized by the University of Kufa, Al-Furat Al-Awsat University, and Jaber ibn Hayan University.

In his research paper titled “Intellectual Security and Its Enhancement Methods in Iraqi Society,” he addressed the complexity of intellectual security due to the difficulty of dealing with ideological extremism, the lack of control over its dynamics, and the diversity of its methods. He emphasized that intellectual security is a dangerous phenomenon with undefined forms and features, posing a direct and multifaceted threat to intellectual security. He also highlighted that all societies are vulnerable to the danger of extremism leading to terrorism or involvement in it.

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