14 May، 2024

The final exams at the College of Political Science / Mosul University

Under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Al-Qassar, the Dean of the College of Political Science at Mosul University, and with the oversight of the members of the college council, the chairman, and members of the central examination committee, as well as the subcommittees, the final exams for undergraduate students (morning and evening sessions) began in our college on Sunday, May 12, 2024, with the blessings of God.

The Dean of the college, along with the chairman and members of the examination committee, inspected the conduct of the exams and directed to resolve any issues that might arise during the exams. Emphasis was placed on adhering to examination regulations and ensuring that they are conducted smoothly, transparently, and in accordance with the laws, regulations, and examination instructions specified by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the directives of Mosul University’s presidency.

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