29 August، 2024

A member of the discussion committee for a Master’s thesis at the College of Basic Education University of Mosul Dr. Salah al-Din Salim al-Abadi Assistant Professor in the Public Policy branch at the College of Political Science University of Mosul participated in the defense of the thesis by student Hamid Mohammed Al-Lahebi

The defense took place on Monday, August 26, 2024. The committee was chaired by Professor Dr. Saad Mohammed Ahmed, with several other faculty members including Dr. Salah al-Din Salim al-Abadi. The thesis focused on “The Narrations of Al-Asma’i in Al-Fa’iq in the Strange Narrations of Al-Zamakhshari: A Semantic Study.”

After the discussion, the committee’s decision was read, approving the thesis and awarding the student a Master’s degree.

