7 September، 2024

A Master’s thesis at the College of Political Science University of Mosul discussed the regional threats faced by religious and ethnic minorities in Iraq and Syria focusing on the Yazidi minority and international positions regarding these threats

The thesis was presented by student Rakan Haidar Omar on Thursday 5 September 2024. The thesis aimed to investigate the reasons behind regional threats to minorities, the extent to which international positions contribute to addressing these threats, and potential future scenarios and solutions for the Yazidi community.

The study concluded that minorities face three main regional threats from both regional states and non-state actors.

The discussion committee consisted of Professor Amer Hassan Fayyad (Chair), Assistant Professor Marwan Salem Ali (Member), Assistant Professor Jassem Mohammed Taha (Member), and Assistant Professor Dr. Tareq Mohammed Tayyib Taher (Member and Supervisor).

The discussion was attended by the scientific and administrative assistants, Dr. Khairallah Subhan Al-Jubouri and Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Hussein Yassin, along with a group of the college’s faculty members.

After the discussion, the committee’s decision was read, which included the approval of the thesis, with necessary modifications, and the granting of a Master’s degree to the student.

