
The College of Political Science organizes its eighth annual scientific conference entitled “(Umm Al-Rabiein in the Face of Climate Change)

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Kossay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmedy, the honorable President of the University of Mosul, and under the supervision of Assistant Prof. Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Al-Qassar, the Dean of the College [Read More]


Assistant to the University President for Scientific Affairs visits to inspect the progress of in-person exams at our college

Following the directive of the University President, Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, to monitor the progress of exams at the university and overcome any difficulties for students, Dr. Munir Salim Taha, Assistant to the University [Read More]


The Dean of the College of Political Science holds a series of meetings with the units and departments of the college

The respected Dean of the College of Political Science at the University of Mosul, Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Al-Qassar, held a series of meetings with the departments and faculty to review the accomplishments [Read More]


Our college’s participation in the fourth scientific conference of the College of Political Science at Tikrit University

Several faculty members from the College of Political Science at the University of Mosul participated in the Fourth Scientific Conference of the College of Political Science at Tikrit University, titled "Iraq: Current Challenges and Future [Read More]


Participation of Our College in the Intellectual Forum as part of the University Events for the Thirst of Iraq Project

Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayyib Al-Qassar participated in the dialogue seminar titled "Water Crisis and Paths of Cooperation Between the Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government – Legislative, Political, and Economic Paths." The seminar was [Read More]


Participation of a Faculty Member from the Department of Public Policy in an International Scientific Conference

Dr. Khairallah Sabhan Abdullah Al-Jubouri, a lecturer in the Department of Public Policy, participated in the International Scientific Conference on Genocide against the Kurdistan People (Genocide of the Filib Kurdish) with a joint research paper [Read More]


Visit of the Honorable Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Wahid Ramo Al-Ibrahimi to our college

In an effort to strengthen the bonds of love and affection with its students from the various provinces of Iraq, the Honorable Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, Professor Dr. Wahid Ramo Al-Ibrahimi, [Read More]

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