21 October، 2019
Delegates of Factum of Spain In University of Mosul
Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamaladdin Al-Ahmedy, Rector of University of Mosul receives delegates of Factum Foundation of Spain, which is specialized in maintaining and restoring antiquities, accompanied by European media in his office today, Monday October 21 2019. He welcomed the delegates and expressed gratitude and appreciation for the two (Lamassu) Winged Bulls facsimiles they dedicated to University of Mosul. The Foundation started installing the two facsimiles of the Winged Bulls by the two sides of the gate of the Students’ Center on special stands and set 3 days to finish the work. In addition to the installation, the Factum team is holding a training course for some staff members of Museum of Natural History and some postgraduate students in the field of antiquity. The course is on how to maintain antiques and how to dismantle and reinstall the Winged Bulls facsimiles in case of need of relocation. As for the media team, they are to hold a workshop on ordinary and 3D shooting for some of the personnel of the University.