25 October، 2019
Spanish Flamingo in University of Mosul
In a cultural and civilizational festival at University of Mosul, Mosul, and under the auspices of Rector, Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamaladdin Al-Ahmedy, a collective art and culture event was held at a specially-constructed stage for the opening of the (Lamassu) the two Winged Bulls facsimiles site at the center of University of Mosul on Thursday, October 24 2019. The event was remarkably attended by high level local and international officials. It included Commander of Nineveh Operations, Staff Brigadier-General, Noman Abd Najm Al-Zobaei; Nineveh Mayor, Eng. Mansoor Al-Mareed; PM and Chief of the Parliamentary Committee of Education and Higher Education, Mr. Miqdad Al-Jumaily; Chief Deputy of the Parliamentary Committee of Health and Environment, Dr. Faris Al-Brifkany; PM Saib Khidr; the British Ambassador to Baghdad, John Wilkes; the British Consul General at Erbil, James Norton; the Spanish Ambassador to Baghdad, Juan Hansi Escobar; the Spanish Honorary Consul at Erbil; both the Attaches of the Britain and Spain; Officials of Iraqi Ministry of Culture and Media; Deans of colleges; employees and students; elites and other guests. The ceremony included keynote speakers, who emphasized the importance of the return of life to the city and the University in particular, hailing people of Nineveh’s persistence in the line of making Nineveh rise architecturally, socially and culturally to prosperity being a multicultural and peaceful coexistence unique model. The event was concluded with the speech of the Spanish Ambassador, who greeted all in Mosulli dialect asserting support of the Spanish government to Mosul and University of Mosul. He expressed his compassion saying that”Mosul is back and will live long” despite the hard times and setbacks it experienced, and its people’s persistence and willpower will take it to its due position, one of the most ancient cities throughout history. Then the Spanish Flamingo chorus presented a special music and dancing show especially that it included well-known international musicians.