15 January، 2020

University Of Mosul Wins Five Prizes In Iraqi Science Day

University of Mosul won five prizes in the Iraqi Science Day, the Ministerial Arbitration Committee announced. The results announced were as follows: – The prize for the distinguished scientific Iraqi journal goes to the Iraqi Journal for Veterinary Sciences released by College of Veterinary Medicine, which ranked first. – The prize for the distinguished scientific research published in serious international scientific journals in the field of medicine goes to the scholar Dr. Hassan Saad Al-Dewachi of College of Pharmacy for his distinguished research titled: (Gold Nanoparticle-based Colorimetric Biosensors), ranking first. – The prize for the distinguished medical sciences book, authored or translated goes to Assistant Lecturer, Radwan Nidhal Mashaan of College of Pharmacy, University of Mosul, for his book titled: (Drugs in Pregnancy), which ranked first. – The prize for the books of medicine goes to Assistant Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdilghafoor of College of Pharmacy, University of Mosul, for his book titled: (Mimicking Physiological Oxygen in Cell Cultures), ranking third. – The prize for the best book in natural sciences goes to Prof. Dr. Ali Ismail Abdullah of Geology Department, College of Science, University of Mosul, for his book titled: (Contribution to Mineralization), ranking third, as well. In the occasion, University of Mosul sends congrats to the researchers and all staffs, wishing them success and progress and urging them for more distinguishedness.

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