6 September، 2024

Participation of Faculty Members in a Scientific Symposium

Several faculty members participated in a scientific symposium, including Assist. Prof Dr Humam Ghanim lbrahim Zubeer Vice Dean for Scientific Affairs; Dr. Karam Turath Tawfeeq, Vice Dean for  for Administrative and Financial Affairs; Professor Dr. Imad Abdul Jabbar; Dr. Waleed Ghanem; Dr. Mona Zuhair, Head of the Scientific Affairs Unit; and Dr. Omar Mohammed Yahya. The symposium was held at Al-Hayat International Hospital on Thursday, August 15, 2024. During the event, Dr. Mohammed Harith Al-Saati, a faculty member in the Department of Internal Medicine, delivered a lecture on the benefits of using probiotics in gastrointestinal diseases. Valuable medical information on the topic was presented and discussed.

