Short Film By Our Staff Admitted Lift-Off Season Awards
'Fire Tendon ,' a short film by emerging director, Hassan Hazim Gallawy of Department of Media and Public Relations, is admitted to the British Lift-Off Season Awards, which is organized by Lift-Off Global Network. The [إقرأ المزيد]
Blessed Happy Eid
University of Mosul, represented by Rector Kossay Alahmady, sends sincere wishes and wholeheartedly felicitations to the people of Iraq and to all Muslims around the world by the blessed Eid al-Fitr, supplicating Almighty God to [إقرأ المزيد]
Executive Committee For The Reconstruction Of Mosul Holds First Meeting
In presence of Rector Kossay Alahmady, the member of the Higher Committee for the Reconstruction of Mosul, the Executive Committee held their first meeting to consider reconstruction priorities. This meeting is the first after the [إقرأ المزيد]
‘World in Conversation’ Program Concluded Successfully
College of Arts, in cooperation with Penn Tech, USA, concluded successfully the two-years International communication program World in Conversation last week. The program aims at initiating dialogue among different cultures through open conversation among Iraqi [إقرأ المزيد]
Transvaal Daisies Greenhouse Growing Project
Gerbera or Transvaal Daisy is the focus of a postgraduate research in College of Agriculture and Forestry of the University. Ibtisam Ismail Ahmed, a PhD candidate is dedicated to study the effects of certain chemical [إقرأ المزيد]
Documentary Fine Arts Event Held
Departments of Plastic Arts, Art Education, and Dramatic Arts of College of Fine Arts, held an event that exhibited works by faculty and students of these departments on April 21th, 2021.The event, which was opened [إقرأ المزيد]
Umayyad Mosque Centers Societal Heritage Preservation Plan
Umayyad Mosque (known also as al-Musafi Mosque after Mohammed Musafi al-Thahab, who renewed it in 1225 Hegira), is the oldest mosque ever built in Mosul. Built in (16 Hegira) by Otbah Bin Farqad al-Selemi, it [إقرأ المزيد]
Ramadan Airs At University Of Mosul
In translation of the University's belief that the students are our sons and daughters, and seizing the opportunity of blessed Ramadan airs, the presidency of the University organized a mass fasting breaking banquet for the [إقرأ المزيد]
Negotiating Serious Research Publication Strategies
Under patronage of Rector Kossay Alahmady, the International Corner Unit of the Scholarships and Cultural Relations Department, in cooperation with Virginia Tech University and IREX Foundation, held a webinar on the publication process on April [إقرأ المزيد]
Grabbing Our Vision On Societal Peace Even Tighter
In harmony with the University's vision of adhering to peace and rejecting all types of extremism and violence, a delegation of the University participated in the ministry-prescribed meeting, held at the Research and Development Office [إقرأ المزيد]
University Of Mosul At ‘Tahawer Journey’ Concluding
The University participated in the concluding celebration of Tahawer (dialogue) Journey event held at the Station, Baghdad on March 30th, 2021.The event, which is funded by the British Cultural Council and the EU, aims at [إقرأ المزيد]
54th Anniversary Of University Of Mosul
In its 54th Anniversary of establishment on April 1st, University of Mosul, represented by Rector Kossay al-Ahmady, sends the best congratulations and blessings to all faculty, staffs, students, employees, and to all people of Nineveh… [إقرأ المزيد]
Ambassador Of Canada At University Of Mosul
Ambassador of Canada to Iraq, Mr. Ulric Shannon visited the University on March 23th, 2021.Rector Kossay Alahmady, who received the the Ambassador and delegation, accompanied them to the reconstruction sites of the Central Library and [إقرأ المزيد]
Science-Focused Painting Festival At College Of Education
Department of Biology of College of Education for Pure Sciences, in cooperation with Department of Students' Activities, held the students show for science-focused painting at the art hall of the Students Center on March 19th, [إقرأ المزيد]
New Bacterial Strain Discovered In Iraq
Assistant Professor, Dr. Dhiya Mohammed Taher Jawhar of College of Veterinary Medicine, achieved a scientific accomplishment by discovering a new bacterial strain in Iraq.The discovery came through a research by the scholar, in which he [إقرأ المزيد]
University Of Mosul Participates In Reception Of Pope Francis
In embodiment of the belief that University of Mosul is a fountain of peace and a living example of coexistence, Rector Kossay Alahmady, staffs, faculty and students of the University participated in the ceremonies of [إقرأ المزيد]
Felicitations O, Woman!
In the International Women's Day, University of Mosul, represented by Rector Kossay Alahmady sends the best of felicitations and blessings to the one, who sacrificed the most beautiful of her life days in upbringing generations [إقرأ المزيد]
1st Personal Art Show By Zeyneb Ahmed
Division of Students' Activities held the first personal art show titled (My Fingers Heightens Beauty) by Zeyneb Ahmed on the Plastic Arts Hall of the Students Center on March 1st, 2021.The show, which was opened [إقرأ المزيد]
‘I Pro One’ Innovation Team
Rector Kossay Alahmady received the 'I Pro one' team three members in his office on February 26th, 2021. Mohammed Imad Salim, Sura Basil Salim, and Radhwan Muntasir Abdulmunim, students at College of Engineering, Department of [إقرأ المزيد]
College Of Dentistry Seminars Oral Lesions
The branch of Mouth, Face and Jaws Surgery of College of Dentistry held a seminar on the diseases that may accompany, or may be caused by Covid-19.The seminar, titled (Mouth Lesions in Covid-19 Patients), aimed [إقرأ المزيد]
Following Sanitary Measures Fortifies You Against Covid-19
Dear Readers,Following sanitaries and abiding by hygienic habits have an effective role in preventing and lessening seriousness of picking Coronavirus.#Stay-safe
Two Labs Reopened At College Of Pharmacy
Through a self-funding effort, College of Pharmacy finished the rehabilitation of two important laboratories: the Microorganisms Lab and the Sonic Lab.Rector Alahmady, who cut the ribbon in the ceremony, in the attendance of Dean of [إقرأ المزيد]
Field Survey Results For Grand Nori Mosque Reconstruction Announced
The Statistics Advisory Bureau of University of Mosul, in cooperation with the UNESCO, announced the results of the preparatory field survey for the reconstruction of the Grand Nori Mosque and the Hadba'a Minaret, in a [إقرأ المزيد]
France Ambassador Visits University Of Mosul
France ambassador to Baghdad, Bruno Aubert visited the University heading a delegation of diplomats and other French foundations staff on Sunday, February 14th , 2021.Rector Kossay Alahmady and his Assistant, Prof. Dr. Munir Salim Taha [إقرأ المزيد]
Violence Against Women
College of Fine Arts, in cooperation with Iraq Health Access Organization, held a seminar titled (Violence Against Women).The event, which was held at the Typical Hall of the College, hosted Ms. Zahraa Rajab, a Foundation [إقرأ المزيد]