12 December، 2022

“Violence against women: challenges and solutions,” a panel discussion organized at the Faculty of Political Science

Under the auspices of Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayib Zaher Dean of the College of Political Science, and in cooperation with the Women’s Empowerment Division at the Presidency of the University of Mosul, the Continuing Education Unit in our college, and the Community Police in Nineveh, the College of Political Science – International Relations Branch held a dialogue session under the title “Violence against The Mirror: Challenges and Solutions”, in the Conference and Discussion Hall at the Faculty of Political Science on Sunday morning, December 11, 2022.The session, which was attended by representatives of the community police and a number of female jurists and activists in the field of women’s rights, witnessed the problems of the growing phenomenon of violence against women, and how to eliminate it according to social and legal paths and mechanisms. The session hosted a number of women who had been subjected to violence, and how they were able to overcome this problem and change their lives for the better.At the end of this session, certificates of participation were distributed to the researchers and participants, as well as honoring the top students of the Faculty of Political Science in preliminary studies.

