College Activities

Scientific Conferences

Conferences held by the College of Political Science

1- The eighth annual scientific conference entitled (Umm Al-Rubaieen in the Face of Climate Change) on 6/22/2023

2- Peaceful Coexistence Conference in Nineveh Governorate  on 6/3/2023

3- The Seventh Annual Scientific Conference and Encyclopedia (Education Confronting Extremism) on 12/20/2022

4- The second sixth annual scientific conference entitled (Problems of Coexistence and Integration in Mosul after Liberation) on 4/22/2019

5- The third first international scientific conference, entitled (regional changes in the Arab region and new international roles), dated 9/23/2013.

Scientific Symposiums

Symposium held by the College of Political Science

1- A scientific symposium and exhibition of student research for postgraduate students on the subject of immigration on 12/13/2022.

2- The scientific symposium entitled (The current situation in Iraq: the 2021 elections and their possible consequences) on 12/1/2022

3- A dialogue symposium on (the scourge of drugs and ways to combat it) on 6/14/2023

4- An electronic scientific symposium on (the repercussions of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan on the regional and international environment) on 12/29/2021

5- Scientific symposium on (Transitional Justice and Community Peacebuilding in Iraq) on 3/5/2021

6- An electronic scientific symposium on (The United Nations and the application of democracy in post-conflict countries in accordance with global governance standards) on 9/15/2020

7- An electronic scientific symposium on (Public policies and crisis management / education file) on 5/2/2020

8- An electronic international scientific symposium tagged (The repercussions of the Corona crisis on the future of the international system) on 4/21/2020

9- An electronic international scientific symposium (Public Policies and Crisis Management – Health File) on 4/12/2020

Archive of previous conferences and Symposiums (before 2014)