13 February، 2025

University of Mosul concludes “Fundamentals of Professional Work” course for its graduates

The University of Mosul concluded the the training course entitled “Fundamentals of Professional Work”, which was organized by the Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Division, with the participation of 40 male and female graduates, and lasted for five days.

The course was organized based on the directives of the University President, Prof. Wahid Mahmoud Al-Ibrahimi, and the follow-up of the Assistant President for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Munir Salem Taha, to enhance communication with graduates and provide them with basic skills that qualify them to engage in the labor market.

The course included several topics, including legal and administrative skills, computer skills, official correspondence, job etiquette, and artificial intelligence, and was presented by a number of officials of the rehabilitation and employment units in the faculties of administration and economy, arts, law, education for humanities, education for pure sciences, computer and mathematical sciences, and tourism sciences.

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