18 January، 2021

The Dean of the College receives a delegation from the Nineveh Agriculture Directorate

On Monday, January 18,2021, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Younis Al-Allaf (dean of the College of Agriculture and Forestry) received a delegation representing the Plant Protection Department in the Nineveh Agricultural Directorate, which included Dr. Salah El-Din Abdel-Qader Saleh, Director of the Department, SR. Enger. Ghalib Mowafak Saeed, Director of the Pesticides Division and SR. Enger. Maad Nizar Abdul Razzaq, Director of the Bee Division.During the meeting, the Dean discussed cooperation between our college and the Nineveh Agriculture Directorate, through holding seminars, workshops, and scientific lectures to develop the agricultural situation in the governorate.The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Ali Farouk (Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs) and Dr. Iyad Al-Allaf (head of the Media and Public Relations Division in our college).

