3 February، 2021

A lecturer from our college gives a scientific lecture at the Nineveh Agriculture Directorate

Within the directives of the Presidency of the Mosul University and the follow-up of the Deanship of the College of Agriculture and Forestry regarding the need to activate the university’s service to the community and government service departments. Dr. Iyad Hani Al-Allaf, (a lecturer in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture) gave a scientific informative lecture entitled (Development of olive groves in Nineveh Governorate) in the Nineveh Agricultural Directorate attended by Dr. Duraid Hikmat Tobiya (director of the Nineveh Agricultural Directorate), a group of its affiliates and olive growers in the Bashiqa and Bahzani regions in the governorate.The lecturer explained the importance of developing olive groves through the interest in horticultural service operations such as pruning, breeding, fertilization, irrigation, and harvesting, as well as the importance of using modern technologies in developing these orchards, which would increase the yield and improve its quality. The lecturer also pointed to the necessity of introducing high-oil varieties of international olive varieties and expanding their spread within the borders of the governorate. At the end of the lecture, the lecturer answered the questions and inquiries of the attendees.

