30 January، 2023

The Dean of Agriculture and Forestry College visits the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences at Salahaddin University – Erbil.

Today, Sunday, January 29, within the framework of cooperation between the faculties of Mosul University and Iraqi universities, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf visited the Deanship of Agricultural Engineering Sciences College at Salah al-Din University, Erbil. During the visit, the Dean of the College met with Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdul Karim Ali (Dean of Agricultural Engineering Sciences College). This visit aims to open horizons for scientific and research cooperation and establish twinning agreements between the two sides in various fields. The agreements include holding joint conferences, seminars, and workshops, in addition to mutual scientific visits and various student activities, as well as the possibility of research and scientific cooperation at all levels and specializations.

