10 November، 2023

The Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture holds a scientific symposium.

Today, Thursday, November 9, 2023, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi (President of Mosul University) and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the College of Agriculture and Forestry), the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering held its scientific symposium entitled (Problems of Plant Propagation, Physiological Stresses, and Appropriate Solutions to Them). The symposium was attended by Prof. Dr. Mounir Al-Badrani (Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs), Mrs. Samira Al-Jarisi (Director of Ard Al-Rafidain Private Schools for Girls), and several representatives of agricultural colleges and agricultural and service departments in the governorate, as well as teachers and students of our college and several female students from Ard Al-Rafidain Private School for Girls.

This symposium aimed to identify the problems of plant propagation and physiological stresses and appropriate solutions for them, exchange scientific expertise between professors and researchers in the field of specialization, contribute to activating the university’s role in society, increase knowledge, and introduce members of agricultural departments and specialists in the field of horticulture and garden engineering to modern developments and technologies.

The symposium curriculum included:

The opening lecture is entitled:

Physiological stresses and their effect on the growth and production of horticultural crops

Lecturer: A. Dr. Ammar Zaki Amin.

The second lecture is entitled:

Fruit tree propagation techniques, problems, and solutions.

Lecturer: A. Dr. Nabil Muhammad Amin Al-Imam.

The third lecture is entitled:

Vaccination in fruit trees (its importance, timing, and reasons for failure)

Lecturer: A. Dr. Iyad Al-Allaf.

The fourth lecture is entitled:

Some environmental stresses and their effect on plant growth.

Lecturer: A. M. Dr. Israa Abdel Hussein Jassim.

Discussion and asking questions.

Concluding the session and reading the recommendations

