11 June، 2024

Discussion of a Ph.D. Thesis in the Department of Food Science

A Ph.D. thesis was discussed in the Department of Food Science/ College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul for the student (Ali Hussein Ali Daeef) on Monday, June 10, 2024. The thesis title was (Evaluation of some natural and artificial emulsifiers in manufacturing two types of dairy products). This study aims to observe the effect of adding a group of emulsifiers (monoglycerides, gum arabic, lecithin, trisodium phosphate) at a concentration of 0.25% on the sensory, physicochemical and microbial properties during storage of the two margarine-like and creamy ice cream products (Millorine) and observing the effect of replacing part of the milk fat with olive oil at rates of 25 and 50% for a product similar to margarine and replacing at rates of 5 and 8% for a product of melurin, to manufacture a product of high nutritional value.
The discussion committee consisted of:
1. Prof. Dr. Mazen Muhammad Ibrahim … (Chairman).
2. Prof. Dr. Somaya Khalaf Badawi … (Member).
3. Dr. Taha Muhammad Taqi …. (Member).
4. Dr. Qaiser Hamad Ghayeb … (Member).
5. Dr. Basmaa Saadaldin Sheet … (Member).
6. Dr. Shaima Riad Abdel Salam …. (Member and supervisor).
Then, the discussion committee read the decision, which included accepting the thesis and awarding the student a Ph.D. degree.
*****Congratulations *****

