4 July، 2024

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis in the Department of Agricultural Machines and Equipment

A master’s thesis was discussed in the Department of Agricultural Machines and Equipment/ College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul for the student (Abdul Hamid Saad Allah Abd al-Qadir Majeed) on Wednesday, July 3, 2024. The thesis title was (The Effect of the Distribution Patterns of Excavator Plow Shears on Field Performance under Different Operating Factors). Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the College) and several college teachers attended a part of the discussion.
The discussion committee consisted of:
1. Prof. Dr. Adel Ahmed Abdullah … (Chairman).
2. Asst. Prof. Dr.Mumtaz Ishaq Hammoud … (Member).
3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Yousif Yakoub Hilal …. (Member).
4. Asst. Prof.Muthanna Abdel Malik … (Member and supervisor).
Then, the discussion committee read the decision, which included acceptance of the thesis and awarding the student an M.Sc. degree.
Congratulations on Obtaining Your Master’s Degree

