2 March، 2023

The Student Activities Unit in our college holds a meeting with several college students.

Under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the College), the Student Activities Unit held a meeting in Al-Hadba Hall with a number of our dear students to urge them to participate in the student sports and artistic activities that our university holds by representing the college sports teams for male and female students.At the beginning of the meeting, the Dean of the College spoke about the importance of sports as an essential activity in the university student’s life, and it is a necessary means of building young generations, developing capabilities, and preparing students to be an active energy in society, and this requires proper planning. The Dean of the College also pointed out that an essential characteristic of the sports activities plan is that it is comprehensive, contains many diverse programs that fulfill everyone’s desires, and aims to develop the student’s leadership personality and raise his level of physical fitness.On the other hand, Dr. Ahmed Sabah (responsible for the student activities unit in our college) invited our dear students and students who wish to participate in the college sports teams to register their names. At the same time, Dr. Ahmed thanked the deanship of our college for their continuous support in achieving the desired goal, which is for the college teams to obtain advanced ranks in sports participation.

