20 March، 2023

The Deanship of the College of Agriculture and Forestry holds a scientific symposium on peaceful coexistence.

Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Forestry, Dr. Muhammad Yunus Al-Allaf, our college held the electronic scientific symposium entitled (national identity and its role in rejecting extremism and consolidating the values ​​of peaceful coexistence) in cooperation with the deanships of the Faculties of Political Science and Islam.The symposium aims to prove the importance of university students in consolidating the foundations of peaceful coexistence, which is confirmed by the presidency of the University of Mosul, considering that the university is a home for all Iraqis and a tent for them of all sects, nationalities, and religions.During the symposium, I witnessed many lectures that emphasized the meaning of peaceful coexistence, which is the cornerstone of building a unified country that enjoys stability and seeks to achieve sustainable development in all fields. These lectures also showed that human relations in all religions are based on a philosophical vision of respect for religious pluralism and positive recognition of the other.

