18 March، 2021

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the Department of Plant Protection

Dr. Muhammad Yunus Al-Allaf (Dean of the College of Agriculture and Forestry) attended a master’s thesis discussion in the Department of Plant Protection/ College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul for the student (Shahd Shamil Shit) on Thursday 18/3/2021 in the Al-Hadba’a hall.The discussion committee consisted of:

  1. Asst. Prof. Dr. Wafaa Abd Yahya … (Chairman).
  2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Faryal Bahjat Hormuz … (Member).
  3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Haitham Mohi El-Din … (Member).
  4. Prof. Dr. Sahl Kawkab Al-Jamil … (Member and supervisor).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included acceptance of the thesis and award the student an M.Sc. degree.*****Congratulations on Obtaining Your Master’s Degree*****

