22 August، 2021

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis in the Department of Agricultural Economics

A master’s thesis was discussed in the Department of Agricultural Economics/ College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul, for the student (Zahraa Moataz Muhammad) on Sunday 22/8/2021. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yunus Al-Allaf (Dean of the College) attended a part of the discussionSummary of Thesis:The importance of the research highlights the importance of agricultural policies in the agricultural economy of Arab countries and their role in directing agricultural production and reallocating agricultural economic resources and their impact on consumption patterns to achieve a balance between the supply and demand of agricultural products and reduce the food gap. The research also aims to identify the concepts of agricultural policies and their different types and the extent of the impact of each of these policies on the agricultural sector and achieving food security in Iraq (Iraq, Syria, and Egypt).The research reached many conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a large production-consumer food gap for grain crops (wheat, rice) in the sample of the research, especially in Iraq due to the unstable conditions, which exacerbated the gap for these crops, in addition to the weak agricultural policies, followed in sample countries Research, so there are many proposals to reduce this gap, which is to rely on scientific methods in preparing production plans in order to achieve the set goals and reach self-sufficiency for these crops and then achieve food security in the country.The discussion committee consisted of:

  1. Asst.Prof.Dr. Iskandar Hussein Ali … (Chairman).
  2. Dr. Emad Abdel Aziz Ahmed … (Member).
  3. Dr. Oqba Mohamed Nouri …. (Member).
  4. Dr. Aswan Abdel Qader Zidan … (Member and supervisor).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included acceptance of the thesis and award the student an M.Sc. degree.*****Congratulations on Obtaining Your Master’s Degree*****

