5 January، 2022

Discussion of a Ph.D. Thesis in the Department of Forestry Sciences

Prof. Dr. Munir Salem Taha (Assistant of the university president for scientific affairs) and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the Faculty) attended the discussion of a doctoral thesis in the Department of Forestry Sciences for the student (Shahla Abdel-Razzaq Bashir) on Wednesday 5/1/2022.The discussion committee consisted of:

  1. Prof. Dr. Muzahim Saeed Al-Bak … (Chairman).
  2. Prof. Dr. Ammar Fakhry Khudair … (Member).
  3. Dr. Afaq Ibrahim Juma …. (Member).
  4. Dr. Ammar Jassim Muhammad …. (Member).
  5. Dr. Asma Muhammad Adel …. (Member).
  6. Dr. Samoud Hussein Ali …. (Member and supervisor).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included acceptance of the thesis and awarding the student a Ph.D. degree.*****Congratulations *****

