11 March، 2024

The Dean of the College chairs the meeting of the committees related to our college’s participation in National Planting Day.

Today, Sunday, March 10, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the College) chaired the meeting. This meeting included his assistants for scientific and administrative affairs and the special committees for our college’s participation in the National Afforestation Day, which was approved by Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani( Prime Minister), who ordered the launch of the National Afforestation Day initiative on Tuesday, March 12, 2024.
During the meeting, the importance of active participation on this day was emphasized, and the role of our college’s members and students in afforestation was highlighted. The college’s participation will include the following activities:
1. Organizing a tree planting campaign inside and outside the university campus.
2. A workshop entitled (The Tree is Our Life).
3. An awareness campaign about the importance of afforestation on campus.
4. Distribution of posters and information leaflets.
5. Student competition.

