
The dean of the college meets with members of the central committee and examination sub-committees in our college.

On Tuesday 3/9/2021, Dr. Muhammad Yunus Al-Allaf (Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry), accompanied by his assistants for scientific and administrative affairs, met with members of the central committee and examination sub-committees in [Read More]


A lecturer from our college participates in the discussion committee for a doctoral thesis at the University of Tikrit.

Prof. Dr. Moaz Abdullah Al-Hajjar (Head of the Basic Sciences Division) participated in the discussion committee for a doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Science/ University of Tikrit, for the student (Mr. Muhammad Mahmoud Muhammad). [Read More]


Signing a cooperation agreement between the College of Agriculture and Forestry and Al Aghsan Foundation for Agricultural and Environmental Development.

On, Tuesday 2-3-2021, The Dean of the College, Dr. Muhammad Yunus Al-Allaf, meets Dr. Khaled Naji Al-Asal (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Aghsan Foundation for Agricultural and Environmental Development). The meeting was attended [Read More]


A lecturer from our college participates in the discussion committee for a doctoral thesis at the University of Tikrit.

Prof. Dr. Nabil Muhammad Amin Al-Imam (a lecturer in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture) participated in the discussion committee for a doctoral thesis at the Faculty of the Agriculture / University of Tikrit, [Read More]


A lecturer from our college participates in the discussion committee for a doctoral thesis at the University of Tikrit.

Prof. Dr. Nabil Muhammad Amin Al-Imam (a lecturer in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture) participated in the discussion committee for a doctoral thesis at the Faculty of the Agriculture / University of Tikrit, [Read More]


Discussion of a higher diploma thesis in the Department of Soil Science and Water Resources College of Agriculture and Forestry

Within the scientific activities of the Soil Science and Water Resources Department, a higher diploma thesis in Soil Science and Water Resources was discussed for the student (Mr. Abdul Fattah Hamada Abdullah) on Thursday, 2/25/2021, [Read More]


Discussion of a higher diploma thesis in the Department of Soil Science and Water Resources College of Agriculture and Forestry

Within the scientific activities of the Soil Science and Water Resources Department, a higher diploma thesis in Soil Science and Water Resources was discussed for the student (Mr. Abdul Fattah Hamada Abdullah) on Thursday, 2/25/2021, [Read More]


Discussion of a higher diploma thesis in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture / College of Agriculture and Forestry

Within the scientific activities of the Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Department, a higher diploma thesis in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture was discussed for the student (Manar Ghanem Sheet). The Dean of the College, Dr. Muhammad [Read More]


Discussion of a higher diploma thesis in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture / College of Agriculture and Forestry

Within the scientific activities of the Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Department, a higher diploma thesis in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture was discussed for the student (Manar Ghanem Sheet). The Dean of the College, Dr. Muhammad [Read More]

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